Why It’s Important to Take Care of Yourself

Ching Say
3 min readAug 20, 2021


Are you still doubting that it’s important to take care of yourself? It’s time to put that guilt away because the effects are magical, and the results are practically life-changing.

Improved Productivity

Self-care helps to bring into sharp focus the things that actually matter to you. Placing priorities enables you to focus and direct your energy toward what’s important to you.

Do you ever have those dreams of trips you always wanted to take, but you never seemed to find the time for it? Well, putting yourself first helps you cut down unnecessary laybacks that waylay any and all desires and goals.

Improved Physical Health

It’s so easy to get caught up in daily activities and routines, and, as a result, many of us forget to take care of ourselves. Personal health is put on the back burner, while everyone else’s needs are prioritized. Plus, if you have a traditional office job or are working from home, chances are you’re spending a great deal of time sedentary.

Drink more water and fewer sugary drinks

Because the body is primarily composed of water, staying hydrated is crucial to your physical health. Water is the purest form of hydration and comes right out of your faucet at home. Staying properly hydrated helps the body’s cells to function more efficiently. Cutting back on sugary drinks is good for your dental health, your weight, and your budget.

Exercise regularly

You don’t have to become a gym member to exercise. Take a walk, ride a bike, or jog around the neighborhood. During inclement weather, head to the local mall or exercise at home. Push-ups, sit-ups, leg lifts, lunges, and stretching go a long way toward improving your health. Getting families active is one of three goals on which United Way is focusing. Getting off the couch to play kickball with your kids or go on a hike as a family creates memories and good habits.

Eat more fruits and vegetables and less fast food

There are at least two cliches that apply to this particular tip. The first is, “You are what you eat.” The second is, “Input determines output.” Both speak to the importance of diet to your physical health. Fruits and vegetables contain natural vitamins and minerals your body needs to function optimally. Snack on apples instead of chips enjoys a carrot instead of french fries.

Get a good night’s sleep

Remember when you were a kid and your teacher told you to get a good night’s rest the day before a big test? There was a reason for that. Sleep allows the body to restore itself, cells to repair themselves, and the brain to reboot. Seven or eight hours each night should do the trick.

Wash your hands

Most viruses are spread by coming in contact with something a sick person touched: doorknob, water fountain, or flusher. You touch those items and then, without giving it a second thought, touch your face or grab a bite of food. The next thing you know, you’re sick. The simplest solution to this is to wash your hands regularly. There is no need to become obsessive about it. Washing them well before you eat and after you use the restroom will eliminate the majority of the germs.

Higher Self-Esteem

High self-esteem is not just liking yourself but generally affording yourself love, value, dignity, and respect, too. Positive self-esteem also means believing in your capability (to learn, achieve, and contribute to the world) and autonomy to do things on your own.It means you think your ideas, feelings, and opinions have worth.

When you regularly carve out time to do what you want for yourself, it sends a positive message to your brain and releases endorphins that improve feelings of self-worth and confidence. Besides, it allows you to discover your values and realize your passion. It’s time to recollect your thoughts and discover yourself.



Ching Say
Ching Say

Written by Ching Say

When the warrior dies, the sword dies along with him.

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