What makes up a well-lived life? It’s an intensely personal question. Your vision of success may be vastly different than mine. I may value connections, authenticity & adventure; dream of having kids, a thriving business & living in another country. You’re driven by success, learning & independence; you won’t be complete until you hit CEO & fund a charity. Our neighbor places importance on harmony, creativity & the community garden she started; the mailman digs abundance, vitality & contributing to his church.
That’s what makes the world such an intriguing beast. We’re fascinated by our differences.
Whatever your definition of “the good life” maybe, it’s vital that you enjoy & get meaning from the day-to-day while on your journey.
This is something we all have in common, regardless of the particular path we’re on. Your daily experiences (your tasks, your schedule, the places you spend your energy & time) are what make up your life. And in my book, that’s all we’ve really got. Life.
#1. Smile
The simple act of smiling can drastically change the way you feel at any given time. Smiling can prompt your body to alter the neurochemistry of the brain, resulting in a sunnier disposition. Numerous studies have shown smiling reduces stress, regardless of the smile is genuinely caused by positive emotions. So if you are feeling down, turn that frown upside down and put a smile on your face!
#2. Get Enough Rest
It is absolutely essential to give your body the time it needs to recharge the batteries each and every night, and getting a full night of sleep is a big part of living a happy and healthy life. Studies have found that getting adequate sleep can help you live longer, improve your memory, and increase awareness and creativity. Experts recommend at least 7 hours of sleep each night, and any less than that can result in a bad mood and low energy levels.
#3. Be Grateful For What You Have
Too often, it can become easy to get caught up in what we don’t have, be it lamenting a lack of a fulfilling career, a luxurious lifestyle, or a successful relationship. However, instead of spending all of that mental energy on what you don’t have, instead, celebrate what you do have. We are all blessed with so many gifts to be grateful for, so try to create a list of all the things you are grateful for each and every day. It can be something as major as good health to something as minor as somebody holding a door open for you. Be mindful of how amazing life truly is.
#4. Stay Organized
A cluttered home can lead to a cluttered mind. Take a few minutes out of your day to straighten up your surroundings. That doesn’t mean deep cleaning every nook and cranny of your house. Simply make an effort to pick clothing up off the floor, make your bed, clean your dishes, and live a tidy life. Creating these habits can have a broad effect on your outlook on life, helping you to have a clear mind and become more focused on important tasks at hand.
#5. Learn Something New
Make each day part of a perpetual quest for knowledge. Learning is an essential component of happiness, satisfying our minds need for stimulation and to be challenged. It also can help put our lives in perspective as we gain knowledge about all of the trauma occurring around the world. Go online and find an interesting article, how-to video, documentary or something else that will challenge you and try to spend at least 15 minutes a day gaining knowledge. You will find yourself quickly becoming a well-informed, well-rounded and happier individual.
#6. Stay Active
When people think of physical health, they often think solely of exercise and a healthy diet. However, there is a third crucial component to getting in amazing shape, and that is daily activity. As more and more jobs have become stationary desk jobs, it is recommended to make an effort to walk 10,000 steps each and every day. Try parking in the back of the parking lot, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or walking to the local coffee shop instead of driving. These little steps can help you get in great shape, but also can result in an improved mood and quality of life.