“Reset, Refocus, Readjust, Restart as many times as you need to…”
In life, maybe something is not working, then you have to reset it…
It’s okay to reset, refocus, readjust, reschedule, or re-do something to make it better, feel better, and live better…
If you feel off focus, go anywhere where your mind will get peace, then after get back it…
Hit that reset button. Restart or refocus as many times as you need to if that’s what it takes for you to find your calling or identify your purpose in life. You don’t need to figure everything out today, next week, or next month. Take your time but do something. Anything to bring you closer to your goals or the life you want to live. It’s okay not to even know what that is right now. Just believe that someday you will find your “happily-ever-after” and never lose hope.
Read the last line. As many times as you need to. Don’t lose sight of that, don’t worry about how many chances others think you should have, remain in your own lane, and do what gives you the best chance to be successful. Life comes with so many ups and downs that there will be times when we have to adjust to things, start fresh, start again, and just take a few days to rest to get our minds right. We are allowed to rest, we are allowed to take days to recharge our minds, body, and soul. It’s not a crime to care about yourself and put your well-being first, people may just guilt trip you for being selfish, get on you about only thinking of yourself, and just remember that if we are right with ourselves we will be useless to others anyways. It starts and ends with us. Get your mind right, get your life on track, and get to a point where when your eyes open it isn’t something you dread, it’s something that makes us pop out of bed and continue the mission. It’s not a day-long mission, it’s a lifelong mission, and with that comes both good and the bad, and at times the ugly. Things we can never fully prepare for, but we can be in a place where we are able to work through them, with a level head knowing that these storms don’t last forever.
Take control of yourself. Your life. Your choices. If something isn’t working. Start again. As many times as it takes. Whatever it takes.
Restarting, Refocusing, Resetting your mind, or moving things around your schedule is much better than giving up…Whatever you reset your moment reveals, it should make you more productive, making you happier…